Monday, December 15, 2008

tales of winter

its been a while since i last wrote here...i dunno never really like to write personal stuff and well let everyone know about it coz well, there is a reason its called 'personal stuff'.

so its like 5 pm here now but it sure feels like abt 8pm in malaysia...the days are shorter hence all the reason to suffer while getting up, procrastinate getting outta bed as well as snoozing the one fella that can get you to school on isnt half as cold as last year though. nevertheless ppl keep telling me..."its moscow, the worst is yet to come..." just hope it stays this way, coz well the weather is great now...anw colder and its gonna get uncomfortable....stll waiting for the snow to secretly come and lay itself so that i can go snowboarding...and then dissapear, without melting leaving the streets dry so that i can move without the conscience of stepping into a puddle of mud...

i love it here...i really do...very little can i find to prove this is less than home and its like a whole new exciting place once you learn to love it...the people, well...they are the same everywhere...there are warm chaps who would never stop making your day brighter and well snobbish little pricks who are ever-ready to bring you down with them..

i tried so much to hold on to something for so long and letting it go was the best thing thats happened to me in a long time...its like a breather...but even better with the joy
'she' brings into my life...i want this new step i take to work...its like i know how it makes me feel, i enjoy it and yet i still wanna put my doubts...she is special to me...this place in my heart that i can save for noone but her...

that weekend was a blast that passed in 2 seconds...i dunno what just passed so fast i wasnt able to even catch it except for the little moments of lunch at morae, watching a classic, totally random movie 'scary movie', and well a little studying to sum up a complete weekend of a 2nd year...

and yeah its Ana's b'dae today! happy birthday gal!
if i get the pics will show you who my little sister, the star queen time...hopefully, soonish...

God bless ya ol!