so i played badminton last night...i think the last tym i played was in setiawan and b4 that the good old trainning days in CJC...right dan...? guess it was that long huh...footwork out,smash out, net play out, stamina out, so wat did i do yest...? ell basically try to prove that all of the above was wrong...but i am glad i did i know i gotta alot...
so, if you were walking down a street and an you met someone whom u thought you knew would you say hi or smile or just walk away...? well i always do the first 2 but the walking away part is hard unless the other guy decides to walk away i do meet a guy, smile, shake hands, tok like we were frens forever in the most broken mixed up version of renglish (russian + english) and yet i never found out his name...and now its like who was that again...?
oh well...ppl over here are just too least all the ppl i know in school, basketball and toastmasters...
its raya so in the spirit, lets sy hi to astranger and see wat turns up...probably a life long friendship...
haf a good day!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
after a badminton game
Posted by duntellya at 10:46 PM 0 comments
selamat hari raya!
to all ma muslim frens...Selamat Hari Raya!...
Posted by duntellya at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Wrestling with God
Jacob Wrestles With God
22 That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two maidservants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok.
23 After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions.
24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak.
25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man.
26 Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak." But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."
27 The man asked him, "What is your name?" "Jacob," he answered.
28 Then the man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, [e] because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome."
29 Jacob said, "Please tell me your name." But he replied, "Why do you ask my name?" Then he blessed him there.
30 So Jacob called the place Peniel, [f] saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."
31 The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, [g] and he was limping because of his hip.
32 Therefore to this day the Israelites do not eat the tendon attached to the socket of the hip, because the socket of Jacob's hip was touched near the tendon.
in some versions it is said that jacob wrestles with an angel of this is basically what happened, Jacob gets word that his brother esau and several hundred of his men were planning to invade Mahanaim. so what he does is he sends several of his men b4 him to butter his brother with gifts hoping that his heart will soften b4 he actually meets him and that night wen he was actually confronting Gods angel he refused to let him go till he blessed him to the extent that the angel knocked his hip socket out and he still refused to let go...such was his persistence...and then God gave him a new name Israel-for he was persistant...several verses b4 jacob utters a prayer stating his unworthiness of obtaining a land with no property but a staff...this is how i behave sometimes not knowing wat to do or what to expect often with fear and personal judgements...instead of doubting i wish sometimes i can skip the fear and doubt part and just go to the part where i completely surrender and well wrestle for wat i want...many of us, while persuing Gods kingdom face challenges and trials but wen we don't let go of God i tell u the reward is far more amazing than the small setbacks u get...give you an example, when the docs said that i could not do sports for abt 2 years due to my injury i often questioned God like "why is tis happening to me?" and all but then little that i did realise my upper body strength was weak back then, so moving in the wheel chair build my upper budy naturally so much so that wen i went to jc i could do like 14 pullups from a previous "0"...and well the constant wrestling came to an end when i got my full marks for NAPHA and yeah...think about it...i had a screw, an injury that no other person could haf come back from and yeah the pain was always there but it was nothing compared to the pain if i had not wresteled with God and settled on a wheelchair...
so gets pretty crazy for me but i am glad, really Glad that i can always bounce off His hands wenever i fall...thats a relationship that can only treasure more and more each day!
God bless!
Posted by duntellya at 1:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Christianity, Religion, wrestling with God
Mamma Mia
I watched this movies mainly because it was a musical...but then dunno why so many ppl said it was stupid and all...i think it was brilliant...3 old women not acting their age, 3 guys excited about being a young girls father...and a girl whu made it all happen...together with ancient music from Alba remixed in a fashionable manner this show is a must watch...but for all those critics whu find it boring and rated this movie as poor, well i dunno wat else you me this was a brilliant musical that was exciting from the start till the end...yeah!
Posted by duntellya at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
the depths
its like i do not know what you want it peace or time...its like we cant even talk least heart to heart...its like the skies fell apart or the oceans turned green, the wind blowing away from the seas or the leaves rolling awkwardly down only to be tramples by bystanders...i do not understand this at ol, haf never been here b4, haf never gone so far off the shore haf never been so blinded...i am what i am only because i need to not be cause i want and in doing so, all i ever wanted is the need to be a want some day but when the need fades and the want does not set in, i am in pieces...i am lost...i do not know what i want anymore...i am back where i started hollow on the inside...what i thought could fill me is actually killing me, what i thought could be for my own good is begnning to take its toll at the words i once heard not so long ago actually...what is this feeling...? i do not even recognise it anymore, and yeah i do not even recoznise myself anymore...the anomalous depths of uncertainty remains the same, the hope of tapping some wisdom results in a jubiloustap of insanity...where am i now...? how did i get here...? is this really who i am..? cold, hard and hexed of the inside...and then the question remains...what is that you want from me...? is this all merely but a test...if so how do i know which way to there a right path...? more importantly is thre a disasterous path...?
i grew up knowing there is no good or bad decisions in life...there is those u make and those you don't make...if those you made dint turn out right then you analyse how things could change for the better...for the better...?hmmm....what does better actually mean...? whu is better for...? is it for u...?is it for me...? is it to hurt me...? or is it a kick you get out of something like when a kid topples anothers puzzle i am here once again wondering, is there anything i could haf done to make things right...? or at least better...for YOU!
Lord, i lay it down...all of me....
Posted by duntellya at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: God, life, questions, relationship
2008/2009 rides plus my all time favourite
Ford Mustang
Among my favourite muscle cars. This 5oohp model does not only give u the rp kick wen u drive it but the open hood gives you something different from all th ther mustangs. definitely not a malaysian road kinda car (too many humps and useless traffic lights plus it raing every other day) but well if ur taking any 400 plus miles highway thats almost straight u will enjoy in my opinion its a fantastic country ride where you and your soulmate enjoy the little things other than the car. Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR Cobra
A super racer car that i saw 1st in the car fair in EXPO. havent heard the engine or anything but a 500hp GT is not gonna sound anything less than awesome!
Saw this in rides for 2009 on MSN. It is still in its modeling state and this sketch is enough to blow your mind off, coupled with its aerodynamics i can only imagine someone driving this baby at nothing les than 150 mph.
not gonna disclose the model just yet.try to check it out...enjoyFord Mustang GT
Another convertible with body glove skin
When is a black striped orange convertible gonna come out...?ah...
1967 Ford Mustang Elenor
My all time favourite the power, both interior and exterior design and well the low groove drive...if i ever get my hands on one, not gonna share it with anyone, lest let anyone in!
Future #2
not gonna reveal the model as well...another sketch...try figure it out.. Ford Mustang Giugiaro
Ok this baby i know nothing much about but the fact that it is orange makes it a pretty hot car...exterior design wise this is the best designed mustang way its a family car...this is totally a husband and wife car...guys who dun plan to haf kids or well dun plan to take their kids on a cool long drive should onider this babe!
Smooth eh!!!
Gosh, so wanna haf a go with it!
Posted by duntellya at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: cars
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
a long wait
and so i have been away from this place for quite abit...reason being:it was the hols and well was pretty busy sorting out other personal stuff...
so year 2 started with a bang...seriously double the workload of year one coupled with the fact that the linguistic ability of the lecturers halved i got myself a really tough semester...but well i am looking forward to finishing this sem and dawning the approach of winter break whick i think is seriously gona be hell,considering that its generally colder than last year this time round.
and so, the question still lies b4 me...wat am i here for? what does studying medicine mean to me...? basically after the break i was happy with going with the flow but i got reinstated with my own conviction when i used anaand's stethescope the other day. hearing your own heart beat,hearing the blood flow or feeling the cavities in your thoraxic region by was amazing...some mite say it was normal but seriously that was the 1st tym i used it in the right way and it was was basically the worlds best stethesscope "littman"...try it the 1st tym and you would know what i actually mean...
so i started the semester by catching up with alot of shows..but the one that droped out of the sky for me was "code geass" pretty short anime with the last episode only coming out next monday.hopefully it will be the final one lah coz well i haf too many shows to catch up with and it sure helps when some of it actually come to an end. seriously i mean why dont some shows just come to an end...shows like naruto and all are like never ending till i haf lost interest...i watched bleach till 185 and i and i dunno how long more tha is gonna be going on for...guess its all about maintaining the fans...but seriously...we all know aizen is gonna fite ichigo in the yeah just waiting for that match ah its gonna be great....
and yeah my ankle got busted again...still cant forget the 2 legged tackle that struckme last friday...that was a really cheap shot man but watta do its the game...if u love it enuff a small setback isnt gonna keep you away from your passion...nd surely and truly everyone is lookingforward to the RFL this year,,even the guys whu know nothing abut soccer or whu dun even play the sport come down all for the action and drama...its only gnna get better with each match...
and yeah b4 i pen down my last thoughts just a fruit for just came up...
"if someone feels that they had never made a mistake in their life, then it means that they had never tried a new thing in their life" -Einstein-
so yeah with that in mind lets looks to the new semester with renewed hope and faith that its all gonna be well and awesome for everyone...
haf a grat week ya ol!
Posted by duntellya at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: new semester