Wednesday, June 18, 2008

studying to clear colloques

and so i am now left with cns,pns and sensory organs which include the histo and anat parts...watta do dint clear earlier wen i had the time, but seriously while studying now away from the pressure of school and russian class i am kinda learning quite fact its more than wat was taught for the whole second sem..."she" really tested my patience in class, but well at least now i am getting the whole picture of what she was "trying" to teach the whole semester..really hope t get irina for the next sem or else we are seriously toast!

lemme see...its been 5 weeks since i last went for a run,surprisingly havent fallen sick yeh except for my back which gotta be checked out en i get back...beside that, life's really good...

you know the amazing thing about studying now is that its still bright outside at 9pm itslike 5pm in yeah minus the sleepy feeling its a pretty condusive evironment to study in...

gonna get back to it in a short 3 majors to clear and yeah gonna breathe my sigh of relief yeah

God bless ya!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

believe it or not...?

Prediction of the coming DisasterMr. Juseleeno, born in 1960(reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilian who has made many predictions, and MOST have come to pass, including Princess Diana's death by car accident (which is instigated by someone near her and will probably unfortunately be written off as a car accident), 911and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He sees the future in his dreams, and hasan average of 3 to 9 such predictions per day. When he wakes up, he willwrite them down, and send warnings to those concerned.If it concerns only a normal individual, he will write a letter to warnhim/her.If it is a famous person(celebrity, politician etc.), or matters concerningthe public, he will not only send it to the individual himself/herself, butalso related agencies, government, and media. He urged the media topublicise these predictions, but the reply always went along the lines ofrejection for fear of arousing public panic.Future predictions:2008, July: There will be an earthquake in Japan , which will cause atsunami of 30 plus metres high to occur as well.2008, 18th September: An earthquake with magnitude of approximately 9.1will rock China , simultaneously causing a tsunami of more than 30 metresto occur, resulting in the deaths of more than 1 million people.Although this huge earthquake will happen after the Olympics have ended,there will be a series of relatively smaller earthquakes occurring in Chinabefore the huge earthquake. The China government, which is more concernedwith the success of the Olympics, will most likely neglect to employappropriate cautionary measures, thus the high casualty rate. If the Chinagovernment does not publicise the occurrence of these minor earthquakes andevacuate people, the number of deaths will be as predicted.2008, 17th December: terrorist attack in America2010: The temperatures in some countries of Africa could be as high as 58degrees Celsius, and there will be a serious shortage of water.2010, 15th June: The New York Stock Exchange market will fail, causing aninternational financial crisis.2011: The research on the treatment of some cancers will be completed, buta new life-threatening virus will appear. People who are infected will dieafter only approx. 4 hours of coming into contact with the virus.2013, 1st - 25th November: Research on treatment of cancers, except forbrain tumors, will be completed. An earthquake, caused by volcaniceruptions, will happen on Bahama Island of the Canary Islands . A gigantictsunami of roughly 150 metres will result. America mainlands, Brazil etc.will be affected, with the tsunami pushing into the land as far as 15 to 20kilometres. Before the occurrence of this gigantic tsunami, the sea/oceanwater levels will sink by about 6 metres, and large flocks of birds willstart to migrate.2014: A small planet that has been gradually closing in on Earth mighteventually collide with Earth, and this collision, if come to pass, willaffect the survival of humans as a whole.2015: By the mid of November, the average temperature of Earth could be ashigh as 59 degrees Celsius. Many people will die from the overheat, andinternational confusion and terror ensues.2016, April: A huge typhoon will invade China , causing massive damage. The43rd USA president, George Walker Bush, will enter the hospital, and facesa life or death situation.2026, July: A super earthquake will occur in Sans Francisco, and it will benamed "The Big One". Huge damage to surrounding areas. Many volcanoes will re-activate, and the height of resulting tsunami will be more than 150metres.Mr. Juseleeno made known his predictions in hopes that people will take heed of his warnings, so that these disasters may be avoided. He hopes there will be a major change in the thinking of people's mindsets in the time period 2007 - 2008. One factor will be the environmental issue ofglobal warming, which is more serious than what some meteorologists assume.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

what a week i haf ahead of me...

not only do i have colloqiums,controls and raskazes coming up,the nba finals starts on june much as i haf to clear my papers,i so badly wanna catch the finals...i never expected these 2 teams to be here at the beginning of the season...always thought that it was gonna be the hornets vs the cavaliers...but well this is really interesting as well...with garnet at the centre of his team with paul pierce having the game of his courier and ray allen picking up maybe,just maybe they haf wat it takes to beat kobe,gasol and odom...the celtics haf really outdone themselves to come this far starting with major transfers to the hellova' determination in the big three...i mean i knew garnett was good but only this season i am beginning to love him...kobe on the other hand is a player of class unmatchable unless compared to lebron james(the king!) so yeah its gonna be a finals thts gonna be way more interesting than last year...well last year the finals was over in just 4 games..i just think that this might be a 7 game series with both team holding home games which will only be decided in the final game...

so you see what i am gonna miss out next week- coz of these colloques the time of the games alone will frustrate any basketball fan living with yeah my back seems to feel a little better or maybe i am more tolerent to the pain now,but i gues i will check it out wen i get back..., anat, chem, russian all in one week...not forgetting the maths results coming out tomoro...crazy week ahead...yeah really crazy week ahead...

God bless ya all!